Greetings my friends! So here we are, already in February 2024 which brings us a New Moon in Aquarius on February 9th! A fixed sign that's ruled by Uranus, Aquarian energy can bring both solidity and shakeups - often at the same exact time! During this New Moon, you may find yourself yearning for the comforts you enjoy while also yearning for change and opportunities to move past the normal routines and patterns you've, dare we say, outgrown?!
In Tarot, the Major Arcana "The Star" is ruled by Aquarius, and one of the first things you'll hear almost all readers mention is the word "hope" when talking about the Star. It is a very forward moving energy that reminds us to look toward the skies (the Higher Self, the Guides, Source) to illuminate our path forward. It is a reminder to "shoot for the stars" when defining goals and aspirations -- something New Moons always prompt us to do. We are encouraged to trust that all will be well with Aquarian energy, as it is designed to uplift humanity even if that means pushing past comfort zones or, when Uranus pipes up, being pushed past them!!
Here's some key meanings to keep in mind with The Star and Aquarius:

Thank you. I like new moon energies. They make me feel more positive moving forward. 🥰✨️🙏